A Big Day

There’s no doubt that tomorrow’s election is a big day for America.  Everyone has their reasons for voting for their candidate.  It doesn’t matter the mode, whether we pull the lever, mark the ballot, or touch the touchscreen, the reason we cast our vote is because we believe in that person. We have (hopefully) weighed their view and vision against the opponent.  The reason we vote for them is because our beliefs for the governance of our country align with theirs.

It needs to be noted that there should be an element of faith and trust that we put into our elected officials. That faith, however, should not be blind and it certainly shouldn’t be unconditional. We need to remember that we are electing people who are as fallible and as prone to falling to temptation as any of us. It needs to be understood that government will never have all the answers or solutions to our problems. If we put that much faith in our leaders, then our faith has become misplaced.

When faith in God is usurped by faith in government, we have a big problem. Every Christian in the country tomorrow will declare that they have voted by the leading of the Holy Spirit (myself included), and yet there will be tremendous disparity between the ballots cast. I believe we will all have to give an account for that vote, so we better know why we put God’s stamp of approval on that person. It does create an interesting conflict, doesn’t it?  Is the Spirit schizophrenic? Can’t He make up His mind?

I saw an interesting sign the other day that read, “Our hope is not in the donkey or the elephant, but in the Lamb.” Regardless of who wins tomorrow, God will still be on the throne and Jesus will still be Lord. With that in mind, there is still the idea that government can, and sometimes does, deliberately oppose things we know to be Godly. Anyone heard of Nero or Caligula? The Spanish Inquisition cannot be chalked up as a “governance” win for the Lord. How about the oppression found in modern states like North Korea, Cuba, or China?

So, my question is, who will best help facilitate the growth of the Kingdom? I’m not going to answer that. We all have to prayerfully answer that ourselves and let our accountability fall to the Lord. As Paul wrote in Romans 14:12, a chapter that deals in matters of conscience, “So then each one of us will give an account of himself to God.” Paul went on to write in verse 17, “for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” When I vote, I will vote for the one who I believe will help facilitate righteousness. Some may be asking, “How is that defined?” Well, I will just say, read the Bible. Plainly. Simply. Openly.

Copyright © 2012 John P. King

Verses from the NASB

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